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Toronto's Dubmatix has become one of Canada's premiere dub, reggae & electro artists having spent months on top of the Canadian & International charts, touring domestically & internationally (3 months touring Europe & Canada in 2007) , collaborating with legendary reggae heavy weights (Sugar Minott, Michael Rose, Alton Ellis, Pinchers and more) and a sought after producer/remixer working with artists across the globe (Scotland, Italy, Portugal, Switzerland, France, Germany, Canada) such as 2008 Juno-Nominee Tanya Mullings. This new release sees Dubmatix forging ahead with a diverse blend of future-dub, roots, dancehall, rocksteady and drum&bass, clearly leaving his mark as one of Canada's brightest rising artists/producers on the International reggae & electronic stage.

This is dub and roots in the classic rockers tradition, with sultry melodies and praises to Jah almighty overriding a crackling, bass-heavy groove. The goal has been to maintain close ties to the classic and legendary sounds heard in 70s roots and dub while incorporating new technologies and styles. Fusing these sounds has opened up points of exploration into almost any musical style while maintaining the foundation set by classic dub.

The shows consist of live production/on-the-fly mixing, live bass and regular guest musicians and vocalists depending on the show and location. No two shows are the same as each incorporates improvised parts & grooves. The shows make use of every low-end frequency to test the limits of the bassbins - to ensure proper heart stopping thunder.

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