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  • Years Active

    1997 – 2003 (5 years)

  • Founded In

    Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

North of America was a rock band from Nova Scotia that has recorded with Matlock Records in Canada and the American label Level Plane Records. Members of Halifax's State Champs and Truro's The Motes formed North of America in 1997. They have toured throughout North America and Europe, and members have been involved with other musical projects such as The Plan, The Holy Shroud, Instruments, Vkngs, The Got To Get Got, Ov Gramme, production for Buck 65, and composition of original music for the award winning CBC television show Street Cents.

The original lineup of the band consisted of Michael Catano, Mark Mullane, J. LaPointe, and Mark Colavecchia. LaPointe left the band after the recording of This is Dance Floor Numerology in 2001. LaPointe was replaced by Jim MacAlpine as of the 2003 Level Plane release, Brothers, Sisters.

North of America disbanded after releasing Brothers, Sisters. Current members now reside in Halifax and Vancouver. Since the breakup, the band has played a number of reunion shows as well as embarking on a Canadian tour in 2005 with Ted Leo and the Pharmacists.

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