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  • Members

    • Bella Quinlan
    • Holly Thomas
    • Michael Panton
    • Sam Nicholson

Quivers formed in Hobart, Australia, are an band making cathartic guitar pop that jangles and shimmer somewhere between 1980s Australia and 1990s America and somehow lands us back in the present.

Founded by Sam Nicholson in Hobart and joined by Bella Quinlan, Michael Panton and Holly Thomas, the now Melbourne band has since toured toured the raggedly golden harmonies of their first album, We'll Go Riding on the Hearses' (Hotel Motel Records) around the US, Canada and New Zealand, supported the likes of Holy Holy, Angie McMahon, Cloud Control, and Methyl Ethel, and performed at festivals such as SXSW, Dark Mofo and A Festival Called Panama.

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