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SUB X started in 2006 with members Mitch and Nick. Over the years they played countless shows across Ohio and Indiana. They also released 2 demos, all with fill in musicians. In early 2009 they brought in Cory Ryherd on lead guitar. In July of 2009 SUB X released an 8 track EP titled 'Shotgun Hero', to follow up this release they independently booked a tour for August were they traveled to cities throughout OH, PA, NY, NJ, MD, VA, and WV. A year later they had new material wrote so they decided to hit the road again. This time covering, OH, MI, IN, IL and WI. They took the 2010 Winter months off to re-organize the band, resulting in Corys dismissal. Now with a permanent and solid line-up(Mitch, Nick, Angus and Frizz), SUB X began to write and record new music. In February 2011 they released another demo, showcasing just a few songs the new line-up wrote over the winter months. SUB X is currently booking their upcoming tour for May. Keep an eye out for these guys, they'll be in a city near you soon!

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