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Version Activity Type Editor/Date Summary
20 Edit

cleaned up the entry.

19 Edit

cleaned up the entry.

18 Edit
17 Edit

removing bias, adding in content removed from version 15

16 Edit
15 Edit
14 Edit

adding bbcode

13 Edit

Revised paragraph about TMR’s recent work

12 Edit

minor edit

11 Edit

Removed title, as it interferes with the layout of the artist overview page. Also cleaned up lead paragraph and some other parts.

10 Edit

.... html

9 Edit

added somethings about DEFROCK, and took out a piece about sunao that was wrong. also, minor grammatical changes and some stylistic concerns.

8 Edit

fixed some track and album names

7 Edit

Added some information about Antinos, and how DA selected him as a musician

6 Edit


5 Edit
4 Edit

3 Edit

edited intro paragraph a bit

2 Edit

broke them up in paragraphs

1 Edit

added short bio

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