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  • Release Date

    1 January 2008

  • Length

    13 tracks

Emergency is the second album by Leeds band, The Pigeon Detectives. The album was released May 26, 2008, just under a year after their platinum debut selling album Wait for Me. The album was produced by Stephen Street, who has produced for bands such as Blur, Babyshambles, The Smiths, Feeder, and Kaiser Chiefs.

The first track single from the album was "This Is An Emergency", released on May 12, 2008, and first played by Radio 1 on March 24, 2008.

The album was subject to an early leak onto the internet on the first of May, and spread via P2P networks. Unlike many early album leaks, the audio files that were distributed on the internet were of a high quality, and not highly compressed files. There has been no official word from The Pigeon Detectives about the leak.

The album peaked at number #5 in its first week but fell out the charts very quickly only spending 3 weeks in the top 40. Since the release of the second single "Everybody Wants Me" the album has re-enterd the top 40 again for another 3 weeks.

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