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Good Kid is a five-member indie rock band from Toronto, Ontario. The band consists of Nick Frosst as the lead vocalist, Jon Kereliuk as the drummer, Michael Kozakov as the bassist, and David Wood and Jacob Tsafatinos as guitarists. Their mascot, Nomu Kid, is prominently featured in their marketing and social media. Good Kid's first song, "Nomu," was released in 2015 and introduced their mascot, Nomu Kid. They released their first EP, titled Good Kid, in 2018, followed by Good Kid 2 in 2020. In late 2020, the band gained popularity through the use of their music on Fortnite streams. The band released their music DMCA-free so that it could be used in streams, and multiple of their songs have since been added into the game. Good Kid's style of music is inspired by 2000s indie rock and J-rock bands, such as The Strokes, Two Door Cinema Club, Bloc Party, and Kana-Boon. In 2019, they cited their current influences as PUP, Peach Pit, and Last Dinosaurs. The band has released several singles, including "No Time to Explain" in 2022, and "First Rate Town" in 2023. In the same year, they announced The Return of The Kid, their concert tour for the year, which was for all ages and happened from May 6 to June 2. The locations were mostly in the United States of America, aside for one show occurring in Toronto.

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